June 14, 2023

Polar Cape and Green Assets Wallet – A High-Performance Collaboration

Green Assets Wallet started up in 2020, enriching the Fintech and Sustainable Investment space. They are a part of the debt capital market, and their solution provides management, impact reporting, and asset allocation solutions.  

The purpose of their service is to collect sustainability data for investors in a convenient and transparent way. It shows them the real-world outcomes from the money they invest and how this investment gives back to society and the environment. In the long run this would hopefully translate into increasing green investments, while offering real accountability and transparency to investors. 

When Green Assets Wallet Met Polar Cape

Our collaboration with Green Assets Wallet started in July 2021. They were determined to start scaling up their application development, as their company began to grow. They started out with one developer from Polar Cape, and quickly grew to eight consultants: Frontend, Backend, QA, and DevOps. The team worked on implementing new features on the platform, but also addressing strategic technology changes. The latter was necessary to make Green Assets Wallet’s solution a robust, user-friendly, and high-performance application.  

The Polar Cape Consultants 

As it usually is the case with startups, the Green Assets Wallet experience was not about established procedures and hierarchy, but instead, about an open space to share ideas that get the job done.  

It was the perfect surrounding for our consultant Åsa Nordin who became a Product Manager at Green Assets Wallet. Åsa was just starting out at Polar Cape and this was her first assignment at the company. She wanted to work with something that is meaningful. She wanted to use her knowledge and experience to contribute to society, as opposed to working for profits or entertainment only. (You can read more about what we do to keep our consultants happy, here.) 

In a conversation we had with Åsa (check out the video below!), she shared with us the atmosphere she experienced as a consultant for Green Assets Wallet. They were working at a startup hub where most of the companies were in the field of sustainability. “It was great to be surrounded by other startups”, she says.  

She explained how Polar Cape consultants quickly became a part of the team. 

“When we first started working with Green Assets Wallet, we had a Frontend Developer, a Backend Developer, and a QA. We quickly added more people, so that we always had replacements, and everyone could take time off when they needed it. In time we also added a UX designer, so we were a complete team inside the company. The company immediately included us as a part of their organization.” 

Hristina Veljanovska was the first Polar Cape consultant on the Green Assets Wallet. She started as a Frontend Developer, who very quickly came to be the team lead. She says what she appreciated the most was the great and very open communication that the team shared between them. 

Success Factors  

According to Cyle Witruk, CTO at Green Assets Wallet: “Polar Cape has made impact intelligence and reporting a practical reality on the Green Assets Wallet platform. Their skills to provide an intuitive, user-optimized, and innovative impact-as-a-service platform have been invaluable to us.” 

Reflecting on the success factors behind this collaboration, our CEO Simon Forshaw says: “This collaboration is a great example of what we are striving to create with our clients. It’s a very close collaboration both on the team level but also on the company level. Team members devote their energy to create the best product they can and to integrate well with the client. Then we have regular discussions on management level regarding how we can ensure success in the long run, in terms of team, technology, and product development.”