February 7, 2022

Strategies that create long-term, sustainable and competitive digitization

Never letting go of the focus on customer value, and knowledge of how to build sustainable agile teams, is the basis for a successful digitization journey. Polar Cape aims to offer its customers efficient and agile teams in software, web and mobile development with a short start-up time.

The idea of Polar Cape was born 12 years ago with the founders’ shared vision of what it means to be a really good consultant – and based on that – how you can create high-performing teams in software development. “We saw that the industry suffered from a lack of long-term thinking, and that customers had difficulty finding a business-minded consulting partner. We knew that this, in combination with creating an attractive workplace and culture, was the key to being able to offer the market really good services and at the same time ensure organic growth. We run the company in the same way as we run modern digital product development. We start with the customer’s needs, and the employees’ vision of a good workplace, then we continue to work with continuous improvement. In this way, we build a company that customers want to work with and the employees want to work for”, says Simon Forshaw, CEO.

Henrik Brusewitz, Sales Director, agrees. “The strategy of working long-term for both customers and employees has been the focus since day one. The consulting industry is quite short-term in its relationship with both customers and consultants and it ultimately affects the relationship with the employees and the customer. We wanted to do it differently and work strategically with both customers and employees in a way that builds loyalty and a long-term relationship”, he says.

High-performing agile team in software development

The pandemic has accelerated digitalisation and increased the pressure that everything must be able to happen online. New digital projects and initiatives have increased the desire for development skills that can drive companies’ digitalisation journey forward. With Polar Cape’s Agile Development Team service, we can offer the customer an optimal mix of consultants locally and nearshore. “In Sweden, there is a lack of IT skills. To succeed in your digitalisation journey, it is necessary to be able to create high-performing teams that are stable over time together with a confident and competent partner. With development centers in Stockholm and Northern Macedonia, we can scale up faster and offer a very good cost picture, in addition to the security from our more than 10 years in the industry. The Agile Development Team service gives our customers access to the right skills in the right combination.. The customer gets more continuity and a partner who is responsible for the team’s competence and sustainability so that they can focus on their core business”, says Henrik Brusewitz.